Detroit Public Safety Academy
1250 Rosa Parks Boulevard • Detroit, MI 48216 • Tel: (313) 965-6916
Serving Grades 9 -12
Quality Education​
MCWA Beliefs
All students at Mildred C Wells Academy will be held to consistently high standards while sustaining Capturing Kids Hearts and PBiS, promoting Responsibility, Teamwork, Respect and Accountability.
As a collaborative team, we believe we are all valued as different and unique individuals. We strive to know our kids and appreciate our differences by taking responsibility for ALL, regardless of ability or background. We will also acknowledge our strengths and skills to maintain a cohesive team of staff and students working with parents while working towards the same goal: to learn.
We, at MCWA, in order to nurture and foster life-long learners, will provide relevant, rigorous instruction through best practices to maintain high academic performance and cultivate an atmosphere of enthusiastic, self-motivated readers.